MCC (The Gambia)
Planet Partnerships has been engaged by the MCC in The Gambia to create an enabling environment for cross-sector private investment and support the reform of state-owned utilities to improve service delivery in the energy sector.
Conducted a comprehensive legal and regulatory analysis of the existing PPP framework.
Provided recommendations for the improvement of the Draft PPP Act.
Provided capacity building and knowledge dissemination workshops with key political stakeholders.
USAID (Timor-Leste)
Planet Partnerships has been engaged by USAID to support the promotion and development of the tourism sector in Timor-Leste through the facilitation of private investment partnerships in tourism-related infrastructure.
Developed a screening criteria and methodology for the selection of tourism-related investment and infrastructure projects.
Created a master list of projects, covering a variety of services and infrastructure, to serve as the pipeline of investments.
Preparing feasibility studies for the prioritized projects from the master list and providing transaction preparation support.
Planet Partnerships advises the public and private sectors in all regions of the world, across sectors and at the national and subnational levels.
The following projects provide a snapshot of our recent work.
World Bank (Global)
Planet Partnerships was engaged by the World Bank to complete a global analysis of the potential applications of PPP in Land Administration systems and functions. Our Team conducted worldwide assessments of best practices and prepared case studies to determine the viability of such mechanisms.
Developed Analytical Framework for PPPs in Land Administration.
Prepared a global Operational Toolkit for assessing country readiness for Land PPPs.
Conducted country assessments for potential digital Land PPP transactions.
World Bank (Tanzania)
Planet Partnerships was engaged by the World Bank to support the Ministry of Water and Irrigation development of a pipeline of water supply and sanitation projects for larger urban and peri-urban areas in Tanzania.
Developed a long list of 34 urban and peri-urban water and sanitation projects.
Screened and ranked the long list with custom criteria to identify shortlist of priority projects.
Conducted 4 pre-feasibility studies for top ranked projects and developed action plans for the proposed transactions.
World Bank (Angola)
Planet Partnerships was engaged by the World Bank to undertake a comprehensive diagnostic of the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) sector in Angola, with a specific focus on identifying the impact of planned government devolution reforms.
Conducted a comprehensive institutional assessment to evaluate stakeholder de jure and de facto regulatory responsibilities.
Assessed tariffs and subsidies for services provided by the 17 provincial water utilities.
Diagnosed the prevailing framework for private investment in the sector.
USAID (Jordan)
Planet Partnerships was engaged by USAID and Chemonics to support municipalities in Jordan improve service delivery and the sustainability of governance operations, fostering a more responsive relationship between subnational governments and citizens.
Developed a pipeline of 40 municipal investments for 6 priority municipalities.
Supported the improved delivery of municipal core services, including street numbering and street lighting.
Created toolkits and customized trainings for municipalities, focusing on investment and engaging the private sector.
African Development Bank (Algeria, Ethiopia, and Rwanda)
Planet Partnerships was engaged by the African Development Bank to develop a pipeline of bankable green growth and circular economy investment opportunities in Algeria, Ethiopia, and Rwanda, focusing on transactions addressing waste management with potential for attracting co-financing.
Conducted situation analyses for each of the three countries, focusing on country priorities, challenges, and opportunities.
Diagnosed the investment climate and frameworks for private investment in each country, recommending areas for potential reform.
Identified a pipeline of bankable investment opportunities for further appraisal and market sounding.
USAID (The Philippines)
Planet Partnerships was engaged by USAID and Chemonics to assist the Government of Philippines in mobilizing domestic public resources, improving public financial management, and strengthening government capacity to develop infrastructure at the national and subnational level.
Evaluated the legal, regulatory, institutional, and policy framework for procurement.
Recommended improvements to the enabling environment for private investment and PPPs.
Assessed mechanisms to further strengthen Local Government Units’ ability to better mobilize financing for infrastructure development.
USAID (Global)
Planet Partnerships was engaged by USAID to support the implementation of the 2019 Private Sector Engagement (PSE) Policy across USAID Headquarters, Bureaus, Missions and independent operating units, supporting the integration of PSE in program design and implementation.
Designing and developing targeted PSE capacity building, coaching, and training.
Supporting the integration of PSE into technical programs and projects.
Facilitating dialogue between the private sector and USAID.
African Development Bank (Lesotho)
Planet Partnerships has been engaged by the African Development Bank to assess the feasibility of concessioning select tourism assets in Lesotho and then provide transaction advisory support for the procurement of the viable sites.
Developed a screening and prioritization criteria for the assessment of existing assets’ viability as PPPs.
Undertook 3 feasibility studies for the prioritized assets and 5 Commercial Viability Studies for the remaining assets on the master list.
Providing transaction advisory support for the procurement of three facilities and provided recommendations for the improvement of existing concession agreements.
MCC (Benin)
Planet Partnerships has been engaged by the MCC to provide legal support and technical oversight for the Benin Off-Grid Clean Energy Facility being implemented by MCA-Benin, as well as assistance in the review and selection of applicant proposals.
Provided recommendations for the improvement of the off-grid electrification regulatory framework, master plan, and strategy.
Reviewed and provided recommendations for the selection of initial grant recipients.
Providing oversight for the operation of the facility through the provision of legal support.
IFC (SADC Member States)
Planet Partnerships was engaged by the IFC and the SADC Secretariat to analyze and prioritize key infrastructure investment projects in the transport, water, energy, and municipal services sectors and then provide transaction preparation support for the shortlisted projects.
Developed a screening and prioritization criteria and methodology for application to the master list of projects across the SADC region.
Screened and prioritized 42 projects across a variety of sectors in the member-states.
Prepared a shortlist of 5 projects, based on the results of the screening, to prepare for potential transaction.
MCA (Indonesia)
Planet Partnerships was engaged by the Millennium Challenge Account – Indonesia to review, screen, restructure, rank, and prepare action plans for the Green Prosperity Project’s portfolio of renewable energy and natural resource alternative development projects.
Provided investor matchmaking services to attract financing to the US$150 million portfolio of projects.
Designed the Clean Green Fund, a US$50 million blended finance development facility.
Designed the Palm Oil Financing Facility, a US$100 million credit enhancement facility to support small farmers.
MCC (Global)
Planet Partnerships was engaged by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to provide global support for MCC and MCA country operations on improving PPP transaction design and implementation in the energy, transport, digital, and water sectors.
Provided early-stage PPP transaction support to strengthen the financial and economic viability of investment projects.
Created the MCC Operating Guidelines and Procedures on PPPs.
Designed and implemented training programs for MCC and MCA staff worldwide.
IFC (Lesotho)
Planet Partnerships was engaged by the International Finance Corporation and the Government of Lesotho to review the PPP Policy and Legal Framework and to recommend improvements for strengthening the governance of PPPs in Lesotho.
Developed a new PPP Law and enabling legislation.
Developed a new multi-sectoral PPP Policy.
Developed new PPP Regulations for implementing legislation.
MCC (Cabo Verde)
Planet Partnerships was engaged by the MCC to review an unsolicited proposal for the restructuring of the Cabo Verde Land Registry system and evaluate the potential for applying new approaches to land administration services in-country.
Evaluated the viability and sustainability of the proposed land administration solution.
Conducted a PPP options analysis, focusing on Value for Money and affordability.
Examined the potential for new technological, financial, and governance structures for land administration.